I realize that a lot of people don't care for screensavers but my dog has endless fascination about them so........... # Install xscreensaver and addons and rss: Install Synaptic from AppCenter .....if not already installed. Open Synaptic and do a search for screensaver Select and install: xscreensaver, xscreensaver-data, xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-gl, and xscreensaver-gl-extra # Configure xscreensaver as a startup application: mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart echo "[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=xscreensaver -nosplash Hidden=false NoDisplay=false X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true Name[en_US]=xscreensaver Name=xscreensaver Comment[en_US]= Comment= " > ~/.config/autostart/xscreensaver.desktop If you would like to install Really Slick Screensavers ( http://www.reallyslick.com/screensavers/ ) too........ Open Synaptic and search for rss-glx and install it. Open up a terminal window and type the following commands in order, just the way you see them: killall xscreensaver /usr/bin/rss-glx_install xscreensaver -nosplash & NOTE: The rss-glx package in the repository doesn't run the rss-glx_install program after downloading and installing the files, which is the reason for step 2. Now open terminal window and type xscreensaver-demo This will open the gui for xscreensavers where you can select your favorite screensavers. Try Euphoria (one of the rss collection) for starters (?) There is also a config file......... home/.xscreensaver (must have files set to show hidden files to see it) Too add Screensaver to application launcher............... If you open Menulibre you will notice that Screensaver is located in the Settings catagory which our applications launcher doesn't have. So to add it to our launcher change Screensaver to the System Tools category, which seems like the next best place (?). Now you can launch it without opening terminal window and entering xscreensaver-demo. Enjoy...............