No analog speaker audio on Acer E1 (AMD)

Discussion in 'Hardware Support' started by Cris, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. Cris

    Cris Thread Starter
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    Jan 19, 2016
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    I am having problems getting audio to work with Elementary (and other distros like Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio and Mint )

    My device is an Acer E1 with AMD chip and the system audio only works when I boot it, but I few moments after, the audio gets mute, since the OS tries to only use the HDMI (unplugged of course) output.

    My lspci | grep Audio
    My aplay -l
    I even found some workarounds to "fix" the issue, but I had no luck, since the "fix" was temporary or things got worse, like removing pulseaudio and lose the volume icons at the task bar...

    So, is there a way to revert the devices ? It looks like the system is sending audio direct to card 0 (HDMI)
    So would it be possible to fix it so it can revert device order ?

    If not, is there a way to block only the HDMI output ? Remember both outputs use the same module, so it's impossible to blacklist the module it self.

    I saw some people saying about recompiling the kernel with no HDMI support by changing the menu config.

    If it is possible could some one tell me what I can to do recompile and use a new kernel ?

    With EOS I could only make to the menu, since it did not compile the kernel, so anyone (if there is no other fix) could tell me to compile kernel within 0.32 ?


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