Juno Managing pdf´s in ElementaryOS

Discussion in 'Software & Applications' started by manodere, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. manodere

    manodere Thread Starter
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    Dec 20, 2019
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    I've using mac for more than 10 years. And now, suddenly, I'm a Linux (ElementaryOS) user.
    So far I've manage my self to do almost everything I used to do regularly in my mac, in great part thanks to the chrome platform and G Suite.

    But there are a few simple things related to pdf management that I have not being able to accomplish, yet.

    I get to deal with a lot of documents in my work, most of them pdf files, and every once in a while, I get one of this files that needs to be rotated, splited and annotated. In my mac not that only it was very very easy, but I do it with a single app!: Preview. (Take a look at this screencast )

    Can you please help me to find a replacement solution to accomplish all this?. It will be great if it is a single app, and I'm willing to pay for it. It can be a Linux (debian or flatpack, Iḿ using Elementary OS) or it can be a web app.

    1. Rotate pdf easily without loosing quality in a single step. The quality part is very important because it needs to be equally readable.
    2. Split pdf in parts easily in a single step.
    3. Annotate pdfs with geometric shapes, text and arrows...

    So far i found two different apps for doing steps 2 and 3:

    PDF Tricks https://github.com/muriloventuroso/pd...
    LibreOffice Draw https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/...

    But I don't like very much nether of them, for the 1 part (rotate easily) I'm clueless. Please help

    Thank you very much for reading into this point, this community is the best part of being a #linuxuser #elementaryOS
  2. Fumbletrumpet

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    Jul 22, 2021
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    Hi Manodere (and any others reading his question)

    I don't come to Elementary from a Mac (Sadly. I admire the quality and long-lasting-ness of the hardware). My experiences of this linux flavour (Elementary) comes from, perhaps, dreaming of owning a Mac one day ! But I've used Elementary off and on for the last five years (and Ubuntu versions in between) and although (like any operating system - I do use Windows 10 for some things and it annoys me too) it can be frustrating, it generally works for me.

    To your question: Way back, when I solely used Windows, I ended up buying 'Full' Adobe Acrobat in order to get pdf editing capability. So I too have missed the ability to rotate, split, compress or whatever various pdf files. I have no affiliation but, since being a mostly linux user I've used Small pdf. It's all online and yes, you do have to pay for it. But it's worked well for me and has everything I've needed for pdf management


    I do appreciate that your post is now over 18 months old !! I've only just arrived here myself, but hopes it helps out anyone looking for a pdf application beyond simply reading them (for which I'd suggest Foxit https://www.foxit.com)
  3. Big Johnny

    Big Johnny
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    Sep 22, 2021
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    Give Master PDF Editor 4 a try. I can't remember if I installed from command line or their website.

    I have also used GIMP ( photo editor ) with my PDFs. One, the other, or a combination may fit your need. Just remember with GIMP to "export as" and choose .pdf as your format or it it will use the default image format.

    A nice feature for me has been taking a photo with my phone, opening it with GIMP, making some edits, exporting as a pdf, using Master to finish my edits and having a .pdf to email.
  4. LEGOManiac

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    Oct 17, 2022
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    I originally used various piece-meal PDF tools to split PDFs, re-arrange them, and do some basic editing. For more detailed work, I opened the PDF in GIMP, and while that was effective, it wasn't very intuitive or efficient. When my wife started working from home and her PDF-related requests became more frequent, I stumbled upon PDF Master. I'm currently running Build 5.8.70. While it has far more functionality than I need, it was well worth the money.

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