Loki Mail: SMTP settings ignored/overruled?

Discussion in 'Software & Applications' started by marcus-s, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. marcus-s

    marcus-s Thread Starter
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    Jun 10, 2017
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    Hi all,

    first post in the forums. Whoever came up with Elementary, kudos to that group. This is a real OS.

    So I'm using the built-in mail client (pantheon-mail). My domain is with the provider 1&1, which have their own IMAP and SMTP settings. Funny thing is, that when I enter those upon account creation, it works fine. However when I close Mail, and open it back up, it somehow thinks it needs to replace the SMTP server domain name with my own domain name. My domain is marcus-s.de, while the SMTP to be used is smtp.1und1.de - the 1und1 part is replaced with marcus-s - and I don't know why.

    This means I'm unable to send mails with the built-in client. I did try the original Geary, which works fine.

    I then checked in /home/USER/.local/share/pantheon-mail and found a geary.ini, which incidentally also showed the SMTP domain replaced.

    I then closed Mail, made changes to that file, and just to be sure put a 444 chmod on that ini - to make sure it cannot be altered.

    And what do you know. It still does that, but the file does show the correct settings.

    Quite honestly I'm a bit puzzled... does anybody have suggestions, or can tell me how to rectify this issue?
    #1 marcus-s, Jun 22, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2017

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