iCloud support

Discussion in 'Software & Applications' started by Drnec, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. Drnec

    Drnec Thread Starter
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    Feb 9, 2016
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    Hi there,
    I am new-ish to linux and the most annoying problem I have with all distributions and programs is poor iCloud support.
    I love Geary. I tried it on Ubuntu, however i could sign in with Gmail only. If i tried to sign in to my iCloud mail Geary had problem connecting to SMTP server. So when I installed Elementary OS and actually was able to sign in I was thrilled. However I noticed that it silently doesn't send my emails. They are stored nowhere on the server, just show in the send folder on Geary.
    So I switched back to Evolution, which I used on Ubuntu. Email works fine with that. :(
    I haven't found any app that would let me create an event in a calendar stored on iCloud server. I can view my calendars in Maya, California, Evolution. Maya gives me no error. The event is not synced to iCloud and it's not saved in Maya localy. It just dissapears. Both Evolution and Califorina give me "authentication failed" error. However what is super strange, I was able to create a test event with California the first time I tried it! It synced to iPhone flawlessly. Unfortunately it hasn't worked since then and gives me the authentication error. :(

    Am I the only one using iCloud and Linux? :D How should I solve iCloud issues on Linux?
    danilkl likes this.
  2. danilkl

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    Oct 9, 2018
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    Same problem

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