I've installed the latest version of EOS and wanted to install this Wireguard VPN. I've found two ppa's, one for Ubuntu and the other Debian. Which one would I use? Also, how do you set this thing up? Thanks.
To install from the ppa's you'll need to run the following; $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common Then wg installation can be acheived by this (taken from the homepage); $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install wireguard It is very simple when you've done it a few times (like a lot in life!) but conceptually people struggle at the start. Top tip – there's not much difference between host config and client config. Except that the host has to handle the firewall and NAT forwarding of packets... All that depends on firewall/OS (e.g. "Linusexes" vs BSD). Enough said. Good luck!