how to set the elementary to not lag in the specifications of the 2GB RAM Dual-Core Intel Core i3 laptop. just opening two applications makes the laptop feel very lag. thnks u
Eh, i think you need a better laptop, but since u cant do that, consider another OS, maybe windows XP
You're simply not going to have a general purpose PC run on 2GB of ram these days, and be what I'd consider usable. If you insist on trying, you'll need a lighter OS. Try Puppy Linux, or Damn Small Linux.
I agree Puppy or Damn Small Linux should run out of the box. You may have some luck with Elementary OS though by configuring zram (normally the lag would be caused when you run out of RAM and have to start using the hard drive swap space, since the HD is much slower) Zram allows compressing of ram, so on a 2GB box, if you can allocate 1GB to ZRAM, Zram can compress up to 3 times, so you should be able to get a 4GB box (1GB Uncompressed and 3GB Compressed). I wrote a how to on Zram here. Just remember to half all the values mentioned in the article as you're on a 2GB box and the article was written for a 4GB box. Let us know how you get on.