Got a problem...HELP!

Discussion in 'Software & Applications' started by J-Pup, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. J-Pup

    J-Pup Thread Starter
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    Jan 8, 2017
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    OK. First of all, I am enjoying Elementary. I think it's great. I'm a linux newbie but glad I decided to give linux a try. That being said... it's confusing sometimes...

    Tried to download a game via PlayOnLinux and failed. However, during the process it put a Windows application in my "Applications" in the top left corner. "Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1.."

    Please tell me how do I remove this from my computer? I don't want it to hurt my computer, and it's upsetting everytime I see it. I don't want to try to use PlayOnLinux ever again. I just want that Microsoft app OFF there. I tried to use Google for an answer and couldn't find anything.
  2. Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence
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    Jan 24, 2017
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    First uninstall playonlinux from the appcenter, thenlinux next open the file browser, right click and show hidden files. scroll down and find either .playonlinux or .wine. Remove them.

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