So I've been reading through the different sections on the forums, and I have a question. Are there official community forums? I see that most of these forums are related to support, and not many if any community based sections. Sorry if I misinterpreted the forums "aspects", I really want to get involved with other EOS users to kind of get to know the community I will have the pleasure of growing with. Sorry if this seems like a rant, I don't mean for it to be.
You are right, unfortunately there are nowhere official forums from the elementary developers. So far, they "only" provide the question-and-answer sections, which is pretty not community like. The big problem i see with stackexchange is, when your first question will get down voted or closed, you have negative reputation and the fun to ask questions or help other people is totally gone. This is truly not a real community! Personally i would help the devs if they are creating an own forum/platform to stick the people together there, even if that means to give up this domain, but it seems they are not interested in an own community hub where people can discuss, not only ask technical specific things, as it is on stackexchange.