I have a 3 monitor setup that consists of 2x 1080p monitors and a 4k monitor. Initially I was having problems with how Linux scales these displays where the scaling would somewhat be fixed on the 4k monitor (by using HiDPI/Pixel Doubled) but would still look a bit big but usable, to the 2x 1080p monitors being just gargantuan in its scaling that it would look like a toddlers display. Luckily I managed to find an article online and created a startup script to fix it (see script below). #!/usr/bin/env bash xrandr --output DP-2 --scale 1.5x1.5 --panning 5760x3240+3840+0 xrandr --output DP-1 --scale 2x2.001 --mode 1920x1080 --panning 3840x2161+9600+1079 xrandr --output HDMI-0 --scale 2x2.001 --mode 1920x1080 --panning 3840x2161+0+1079 It works like a charm now but with a slight problem where if you move your mouse pointer to the very bottom of the screen, there would be a 4-7 pixel horizontal gap that would appear. This would then in turn nudge the whole display upward. Moving the mouse pointer all the way up to the very top would then nudge it back into place. This is evident on all of the monitors. I'm now pulling my hair over this. I look forward to your response. Thanks in advance for your help ARTICLE IN FIXING THE SCALING ISSUE WITH 1080p and 4K monitor: https://enochtsang.com/articles/scaling-two-monitors-differently-on-linux-mint