I'm a complete noob to elementary (though not to Linux) and would like to create a launcher for the XAMPP managing app. The .run file is located in /opt/lampp and can be started via terminal by typing sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run I'd rather like to start the manager app from the applications menu and therefore added a XAMPP.desktop file to /usr/share/applications. Content is: #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=true Icon=/opt/lampp/XAMPP.png Name=XAMPP Exec=gksudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run Comment=Start XAMPP Control Panel Name=XAMPP Comment=Start XAMPP Control Panel The tutorial at https://elementaryforums.com/index.php?threads/create-a-xampp-launcher-on-the-desktop.1265/ didn't work for me. Although there is a XAMPP link in the applications menu I can only 'add to dock' in the context menu and clicking the link makes absolutely nothing happen. Best regards, slow
sudo sh /usr/share/applications/xampp.desktop ...makes the XAMPP manager start/launch but executing the command as ordinary user does not work though access rights are granted (owner, group members and others are allowed to read, write and execute xampp.desktop).
Strange... Try make the launcher with a menu editor instead: Code (Text): sudo apt-get install menulibre and see if it get a better result
@Artificial Intelligence: Thanks for your efforts but that does not work either. On other forums I found that issues like this one can be related to the terminal. So I installed xterm - and that did it!